How About a Hump Day Treat?

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Wine, mani/pedis and Sex and the City are among my favorite things in the world and there’s a place in Old Town that apparently lives in my head.

Tonight, my nails got did, someone brought me wine repeatedly from a full bar and I watched episodes 1-3 from season 1 of SATC. Oh and I made some new friends because frankly, who doesn’t want to be friends with other girls who are clearly awesome with their taste in personal upkeep, alcohol and the television series that defined our generationand are sitting next to you enjoying the shit out of their evenings. Tonight was just what the doctor ordered.

Abre Nails– how did I not know about you before???


Essie Chinchilly and some ridiculous blue that is amazing because it’s freezing out again and I don’t have any damns left to give and just wanted something interesting to look at on my feet in yoga.

2 months, 14 Days

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It had been 2 months and 14 days since my last run on the lake. My limit for outdoor running is 25 degrees; I detest being cold but I have warm layers that can make anything above that tolerable. But with the winds that come off the lake, it has to be a pretty special day to get me on that lake front path. Today was that (50 degree) day.

Setting out for Navy Pier, then Ohio Street beach, north to Castaways. Taking off a layer. Deep breath. Stopping to stretch on the beach just because I needed to feel sand under my shoes. To remember that it’s not always so cold and that summer really will happen again. Marveling that its February and I am running in a long-sleeve. Realizing that the cold front is coming in rightnow and putting that layer back on. Knowing that the fresh air off the lake and my favorite view in the world was exactly what I needed on this Monday.

2 months and 14 days since my last run on the lake and while I have been aching to hit that path during these frigid months, it’s reassuring to know that it will always be there, waiting for me to turn my running shoes east and take big, deep breaths.


Holiday Pre-Gaming

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A post-dinner walk, a warmer than expected evening and a totally unnecessary bottle of wine.

Something about posting up barside with Ryan at Quartino brings about the best conversations. Holiday plans, 2012 must-do’s, career goals, stock market chitchat that I actually enjoyed…we covered it all last night.

For me, the holiday season starts tonight. At 6pm, the Magnificent Mile will light up in all of its holiday sparkle and then It’s on. We will be in Lincoln Park for a Friend Thanksgiving but I already can’t wait to come back downtown later tonight, after the parade crowd clears, and see Mich Ave aglow. I seriously cannot even stand how much I love it.

The most wonderful time of the year, without doubt!


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The yoga kick I have been on has been all consuming but it was time to mix it up. When a friend was going to Shred 415, I figured that it was a perfect opportunity to tag along and spice my sweating up.

No lie, I will probably be sore for the rest of my life.

Here’s the deal: for an hour, you do interval training between a treadmill and weights/bench. The idea is that interval training is the best way to burn calories and tone. It changes every day but we did 9 minutes on the treadmill, 9 on the weights, back and forth for an hour…so hard, so sweaty, so awesome. Running at a massive incline at a sprint pace, hopping off to do squats and curls, back on to run up another hill, all while a very nice (full disclosure: also very cute) trainer told us “I know it hurts but don’t stop. The worst that could happen is you get better.” True in treadmills, true in life, wise trainer man.

Shred 415 pushed me to just the right edge. You adjust your own speed and weight so it’s never more than you can handle and I found myself wanting to go harder because I was seeing that I could.

Despite being sore today, I seriously cannot wait to go back. Mentally, it made me feel like a bad ass and physically, I felt like I was capable of anything. Not bad for an hour’s work.


November Dose

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Dose Market Sunday is quickly becoming my favorite Sunday of every month.

I love walking to River East Art Center, cashing in my “Welcome to Dose Market, here’s a cocktail” ticket, grabbing something delicious to eat from places I’ve never been (or possibly even heard of), browsing the vintage clothing, chatting with the vendors about how and why they do what they do, mingling with others who are as psyched to be there as I am…

I love Dose Market.

Seedlings‘ apple cider and Franks n Dawgs‘ “The Southern” (chicken sausage, corn bread and bbq sauce on a texas toast bun) was lunch.

NoMI was dessert.

So much goodness under one roof.

I was so excited to bring Ryan to Dose today but I think I’m going back to flying solo or maybe bringing a girlfriend- when he had zero interest in Poems While You Wait, I knew he wasn’t Dose material.

Next Dose: December 4th.

Dearborn Hearts Halloween

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If you live in Chicago, you have got to take a walk down Dearborn, starting at Schiller.

Ryan and I found these Halloween loving town-houses while on a little stroll this morning and these people went all out.  The town-houses themselves are just insanely gorgeous so to add some holiday garb cements its status as one of my very favorite neighborhoods in the city.

I mean, look at this guy- is he doing the Thriller dance?!?

VIPink Chicago

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I have so much love for Bright Pink, I couldn’t NOT share this with you all!

Bright Pink is teaming up Saks Fifth Avenue to celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a private cocktail reception featuring a fashion show, Grey Goose cocktails, some of Chicago’s best restaurants and a silent auction.  All proceeds benefit Bright Pink’s national education programs that encourage women to be informed and strong advocates for their own breast and ovarian health.

I can’t think of anything else I would rather do on October 20th!  And what a great excuse to buy something pink…I’m sorry, something BRIGHT pink!

Tickets available here.