2 months, 14 Days

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It had been 2 months and 14 days since my last run on the lake. My limit for outdoor running is 25 degrees; I detest being cold but I have warm layers that can make anything above that tolerable. But with the winds that come off the lake, it has to be a pretty special day to get me on that lake front path. Today was that (50 degree) day.

Setting out for Navy Pier, then Ohio Street beach, north to Castaways. Taking off a layer. Deep breath. Stopping to stretch on the beach just because I needed to feel sand under my shoes. To remember that it’s not always so cold and that summer really will happen again. Marveling that its February and I am running in a long-sleeve. Realizing that the cold front is coming in rightnow and putting that layer back on. Knowing that the fresh air off the lake and my favorite view in the world was exactly what I needed on this Monday.

2 months and 14 days since my last run on the lake and while I have been aching to hit that path during these frigid months, it’s reassuring to know that it will always be there, waiting for me to turn my running shoes east and take big, deep breaths.
