In a Flash

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This photo sums up how I feel about the holiday season- it’s over in a flash. There’s only 9 days until Christmas so I am rocking Christmas music around the clock, watching all of my favorite Christmas movies and having conversations with my parents about how much we love Christmas because it’s what we do.

Favorite time of here x 1000.

Peace. Love. Wine. Whiskey.

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With every dinner, holiday and party hosted in our new(ish) condo, the more it feels like home. We had a Holiday Open House last night and I don’t know if it was our fully decked halls, the roaring fire in the fireplace, the bourbon cider punch Ryan made or that so many of our nearest and dearest showed up to celebrate the season but this place we have lived in for 3 months finally feels like home. The neighborhood that took so long for me to adjust to finally feels like somewhere I love being. I went to get takeout from a nearby bar today (see aforementioned bourbon cider punch- mama needed tots in a big way today) and it was so crisp and clear and silent out. It felt so great and the sight of the garland and bows wrapping each light pole was enough to make me a little teary. This move was what was right for our little family and I am so happy that it honestly feels like that now.

Related: happiness is also this cookie. An Oreo wrapped in a chocolate chip cookie hug. I mean, stop, right? Our friend Erin made them and brought a beautiful tin of them as a hostess gift…in other news, Erin is welcome in our home anytime.


Caroling at Cloud Gate

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Caroling at Cloud Gate, aka the Bean, is the most festive thing I have ever done in my life. The high school choir girl in me totally geeked out. I made friends with the people standing next to me and by the time Ryan arrived, we were trying our best at a four part harmony of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”. Seriously, next Friday night at 6pm-go. It’s beautiful and festive and there’s so much Chicago love that you won’t be able to stand it.



Just a Chi Town Girl Gift Guide

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There are 13 days until Christmas which means there’s still plenty of time to finish my holiday shopping and I should probably make a list and start to check it twice. Here are a few of my favorite things in case your lists have a little room to grow.


Nike Sneaker Boot: I call mine my “Shoots” (aka shoe-boots) but these are perfect for going on winter walks in the city, when you’re heading out to run an errand…basically, anytime when it’s not snowy enough to need your massive snow boots. They’re really warm, water resistant and fit like tennis shoes.

David’s Tea: Any tea lover or even tea liker would love David’s Tea. A starter kit includes a perfect mug w/ diffuser and their top 3 teas. Forever Nuts is my favorite and tastes like apple pie.


Tastes of Chicago: Such a fun way to share a bit of our fair city, sending Lou Malnati’s deep dish with other Chicago classics is one of our go-to gifts.


Aveda Energy Composition Oil: I keep this in my bag for after yoga, to perk up after long flights and to soothe dry skin. Especially relevant now that we’ve hit the freezing cold, dry air season of the year.


Restoration Hardware Wine Bags: dress up that bottle of holiday cheer you’re bringing as a hostess gift to the party this weekend or for that co-worker you love. On sale for $8!


Map Necklace: a teeny diamond marks the spot of a special location.


And if you’re really struggling for ideas, booze. I got home last night to find this at our door and now I am convinced that I have the best neighbors ever. You can’t go wrong with gifting someone a bottle of good champagne, liquor they love (whiskey and scotch is always welcome in our house) or if they’re a beer lover, we’re loving Breckinridge Brewery Christmas Ale.


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I think I went to the only place colder than Chicago right now. Minneapolis is lovely but I have never felt anything this frigid.

First Snow 2.0

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The freeze that has settled in over Chicago made for the coziest of weekends. My mom was in town, which was great reason to do lovely holiday things like go to the Southport Stroll, Zoo Lights and toast to her birthday with champagne at one of our favorite spots. Ryan had his wisdom teeth out, which was great reason to settle in front of the fireplace and drink tea. Weekends that are the perfect balance of staying in and going out are rare but this one nailed it.

Ryan and I walked over to Whole Foods last night to get him more soup and on our way, saw a little girl sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. Walking closer, we saw that she was just a tiny little nugget and, apparently, this was her first snow. Her dad told us they had been out there for awhile but she was so mesmerized that he couldn’t bring himself to take her in. We laughed and as we walked away, marveled at the thought, gosh, her first snow. All of this white stuff on the ground, coming from the sky- I totally get why her mind was blown.

This is the season when I get nostalgic for memories past and this year, I am also so aware of the firsts we have coming up. First Christmas engaged, first Christmas in our new home, first year flying home instead if driving (amen/hallelujah to that)…some firsts that are really going to stay with us. It’s no first snow but it’s really rather exciting.

Fire House Festivity

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4 firemen were standing back evaluating their work when I walked by. I asked if I could take a photo and one quickly exclaimed “Chief! Stand in the middle!”. They said they weren’t done yet but I thought it looked pretty great. I thanked them for taking the time to make their house so festive and for their service to our city and carried on with my walk.

I love this town.