There are 13 days until Christmas which means there’s still plenty of time to finish my holiday shopping and I should probably make a list and start to check it twice. Here are a few of my favorite things in case your lists have a little room to grow.

Nike Sneaker Boot: I call mine my “Shoots” (aka shoe-boots) but these are perfect for going on winter walks in the city, when you’re heading out to run an errand…basically, anytime when it’s not snowy enough to need your massive snow boots. They’re really warm, water resistant and fit like tennis shoes.

David’s Tea: Any tea lover or even tea liker would love David’s Tea. A starter kit includes a perfect mug w/ diffuser and their top 3 teas. Forever Nuts is my favorite and tastes like apple pie.

Tastes of Chicago: Such a fun way to share a bit of our fair city, sending Lou Malnati’s deep dish with other Chicago classics is one of our go-to gifts.

Aveda Energy Composition Oil: I keep this in my bag for after yoga, to perk up after long flights and to soothe dry skin. Especially relevant now that we’ve hit the freezing cold, dry air season of the year.

Restoration Hardware Wine Bags: dress up that bottle of holiday cheer you’re bringing as a hostess gift to the party this weekend or for that co-worker you love. On sale for $8!

Map Necklace: a teeny diamond marks the spot of a special location.

And if you’re really struggling for ideas, booze. I got home last night to find this at our door and now I am convinced that I have the best neighbors ever. You can’t go wrong with gifting someone a bottle of good champagne, liquor they love (whiskey and scotch is always welcome in our house) or if they’re a beer lover, we’re loving Breckinridge Brewery Christmas Ale.