Chicago Booth Magazine & Women Leaders

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I am not in finance, I didn’t go to Booth but I loved this article about 5 women who are making big waves as leaders in the corporate finance world. It’s inspiring in that I want to know what strong women leaders are up to, how they got there, what inspired their belief in themselves because it’s only going to help me navigate my own choices. That and I’m a sucker for any story that starts with “No one else was like me or doing what I did” and ends with “so I did it anyway”.

As this NY Mag piece on The Shine Theory says “True confidence is infectious” and I want to soak that in, whether it’s from the pages Chicago Booth magazine or the outstanding women in my life. Well done, all of you…and thank you.

Link Love

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I don’t believe in work/life balance, I believe in work/life choices. This post by Scott Weis offers some spot on insight.

Summer will eventually come to Chicago and so will love for the Cubs new mascot Clark. Eventually.

Speaking of winter in Chicago, here are 22 more reasons to drink more whiskey.

I have been really into chia seeds lately and apparently, they’re helping my abs?

I’m very interested in having a Mossmosa this weekend.

This face map of sorts is a great way to make sure I don’t run amok with my multiples/contour properly.

Shauna Niequist and podcasts. I could listen to her take on cooking, entertaining, family, friendship, seasons, parenting, faith and pretty much anything else all day long.

Can’t Even: A Weather Update

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I’m sorry but I just can’t even with this weather. Yes, I know it’s Chicago and it’s not like it’s my first winter here but something in me snapped around 10am today and after finishing my last meeting of the day this afternoon, I called my battle against the cold/snow off. So it’s fashion magazines, wine and Sex & the City reruns until further notice. I know, I know- the glamour of it all.


Gluten-Free Update

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I am 13 days into my month of being gluten-free. I have read blogs and books, learning about what isn’t entirely made out of wheat and tried a lot of new recipes, hitting veggies hard. And I’ve got to tell you, I am feeling so much better. Of course, it could be a combination of holiday cocktail’ing being over and not stuffing my face with copious amounts of carbs and sugar but I have absolutely noticed my stomach feeling better and having more energy in general.

My favorite discovery (aside from feeling better)? Spaghetti squash! It really, truly has the consistency of spaghetti and it was so good topped with sautéed veggies and cherry tomatoes. Polenta with homemade marinara sauce was a close second. Next up? Gluten-free baking. Stay tuned.


Golden Globes

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Award season- the time of year I sit on my couch with wine and chips & salsa, having a ton of opinions about people I don’t know and throwing serious shade about fashion…while I myself am wearing stretch pants and unwashed hair.

While we’re at it, my opinions about the Golden Globes are as follows:

-Barefoot while holding Louboutins and drinking a dirty martini- Emma Thompson is my spirit animal.

-Tina & Amy: this is the best you’ve ever looked, thank you for being smart, funny, beautiful women on TV.

-If you don’t have anything nice to say, you can come sit by me…in the case of the Golden Globes, that means Jennifer Lawrence. Girl gives zero fucks and I would love to hear her side comments.

-Margot Robbie nailed it, her Gucci is my best dressed pick.

-Amy Adams’ hair in American Hustle deserved its own award.

-Sandra Bullock from the waist up was perfection.

-Kate Beckinsale just knows what she’s doing…and so does her plastic surgeon. His work is flawless, seriously.

-and finally, Emma Watson’s business in front, party in back…I dig it and it reminds me that confidence is the best accessory.