Link Love

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I don’t believe in work/life balance, I believe in work/life choices. This post by Scott Weis offers some spot on insight.

Summer will eventually come to Chicago and so will love for the Cubs new mascot Clark. Eventually.

Speaking of winter in Chicago, here are 22 more reasons to drink more whiskey.

I have been really into chia seeds lately and apparently, they’re helping my abs?

I’m very interested in having a Mossmosa this weekend.

This face map of sorts is a great way to make sure I don’t run amok with my multiples/contour properly.

Shauna Niequist and podcasts. I could listen to her take on cooking, entertaining, family, friendship, seasons, parenting, faith and pretty much anything else all day long.

Can’t Even: A Weather Update

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I’m sorry but I just can’t even with this weather. Yes, I know it’s Chicago and it’s not like it’s my first winter here but something in me snapped around 10am today and after finishing my last meeting of the day this afternoon, I called my battle against the cold/snow off. So it’s fashion magazines, wine and Sex & the City reruns until further notice. I know, I know- the glamour of it all.
