Weekend highlights pictured include the biggest piece of lasagna in the world c/o Rose Angelis, receiving the first gift from our wedding registry, dinner at the Halloween’ified Hubbard Inn and turning our time at Bub City into a game night with a large side of singing country music at the top of our lungs (and of course, the fried pickles). Not pictured (what can’t be pictured, really) is how darn good it was to have some of our best friends in town for the weekend. It was a blast showing them some things we love about our city and nothing beats having face time with people you love. So whether it was catching up sitting in our living room while devouring pastries from Beatrix, belly laughing over tots and football at our favorite neighborhood bar or walking down the street talking exclusively in hash tags, it was one of my very favorite weekends. I wish they lived closer but I am so grateful for the in-person celebrating we got to do, even if the time went way too fast.
Classic Cozy
In lieu of “Black Wednesday”, Ryan and I did a little River North bar hop of our own last week. The usual at Theory (best chicken wings in Chicago, I swear), a few brews at Callahan’s, and finally found ourselves at Hubbard Inn.
One of my favorite words (in addition to “sparkly” and, according to Ryan, “feelings”) has got to be cozy. Hubbard Inn is the epitome of cozy. Big bookcases, deep leather chairs, roaring fire in the fireplace, and Sabrina playing on the flat screens. Bogart, Hepburn, an old fashioned in a vintage glass…so classic. Ryan and I wasted no time tucking into the big couch by the fireplace and soaking in the cozy. I pretty much want to move in to the Hubbard Inn now. Or at least go back very, very soon.
Also, a full fledged revival of black and white movies is soooo happening in my house now. Love.