The Shine Theory

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The Shine Theory: Why Powerful Women Make the Best Friends

“When you meet a woman who is intimidatingly witty, stylish, beautiful, and professionally accomplished, befriend her. Surrounding yourself with the best people doesn’t make you look worse by comparison. It makes you better…

I want the strongest, happiest, smartest women in my corner, pushing me to negotiate for more money, telling me to drop men who make me feel bad about myself, and responding to my outfit selfies from a place of love and stylishness, not competition and body-snarking.”

— Ann Friedman, New York Magazine

There is no doubt about it, the women in my life 100% make me better- a better friend, a better partner, a better employee, a better peer, a better goal setter, achiever, more confident, more bold, you name it. And I cannot contain my excitement when I meet someone who inspires me with what badass things they are up to. I just don’t have time or energy for the alternative.

Shifting Perspective

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There’s a lot to be said for guacamole, margaritas and girlfriend real talk to shift perspective. It’s funny- when I am in my shit, I always feel the need to do something different. This rooftop view, quite different than my porch view, was just what the doctor ordered and the impromptu girls happy hour was too.

I am going into this week with some serious gratitude for the people who know me well, for a sunny(ish) forecast and the city that never ceases to meet me exactly where I am.



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There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.
—Diana Cortes (via elletaria:imnotthatkindofgirl)

My best friend lives in Atlanta and its always weird to me when I realized we haven’t seen each other since (insert date here). Living far apart has never affected how close we are and, if anything, our daily epic email chains and texting keeps pretty much in constant contact. I am so grateful for our friendship across the miles and am even MORE grateful that I am hopping on a plane for some in-person friend time this weekend. Technology doesn’t replace IRL time together and I can hardly wait to belly laugh and “remember when” in person.

Giving Thanks Week 7

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42. David’s Tea A walk up to the Lincoln Park location this afternoon procured me tins of Coco Chai Rooibos and Forever Nuts. I already cannot wait to wake up tomorrow morning.


43. Balloons. Festive, underrated, orbital vessels of cheer. Big fan.


44. Luna Bell. The best (furry) little friend in the world.


45. Twitter In 140 characters or less, I combined my love of history with politics and a ridiculous song and got a response from the historic Willard Hotel. The Internet is amazing.

46. Friends. There is not enough gratitude in the world for the remarkable women in my life who show me such love, grace and support.

47. Sunshine. Chicago winters get long; sunshine helps.

48. Baking. There’s something reassuring and calming about following directions and getting an (edible) end result.