Current Obsession: The Skimm

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Do you guys read The Skimm? I have been obsessed with it since last summer so I figured it was high time to share it with you. The Skimm is a daily email newsletter that gives me basically everything I need to know about what’s happening in the news…all in the time it takes me to scroll through theĀ email. It’s like having your super smart, well informed friend give you a succinct rundown of the things.

I consider myself to be pretty aware of what’s happening in this world we live in but The Skimm has been a gamechanger, allowing me to know a huge breadth of information in a few minutes. It’s the jam and I feel like I learn so much every day.

If you’re interested, you can sign up here.

(this is not a sponsored post, I just really, really love reading The Skimm every morning!)
