Potatoes Beyonce

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I want a new cat.

We’ve been having some behavioral issues with Luna Bell (ahem, biting hard- wha?!), probably because she likes Ryan more than she likes me (traitor) and since he’s out of town for work, I’m the one stuck with devil cat.  I got mad the other day and threatened to send Luna Bell to my mom’s house to live out her kitty days and get a new cat.

I would name the new cat Potatoes Beyonce.

Potatoes because it’s hilarious/random and Beyonce after big metal chickens.

Ryan’s response was that he hates Potatoes Beyonce and would refuse to feed Potatoes Beyonce and would never forgive me for replacing Luna Bell with Potatoes Beyonce.   Hearing him say Potatoes Beyonce so many times made me giggle and I wanted a new kitty even more.

In reality, we will probably get a dog in the next few years and if I were actually to get Potatoes Beyonce, we would then have 3 pets.  Which is way too many considering we are urban dwellers and a yard and/or big house isn’t exactly in the cards.

So for now I’ll carry on with Luna Bell.  Perhaps I’ll do some research into kitty therapy…

(image via fuckyeahkitties)