Wednesdays, Whirlyball and Winning

admincheap plastic trophies, Chicago, co-friends, co-workers, fried food, fun, team games, Uncategorized, victory, Whirlyball%s Comments

Temperatures continue to drop, the week is only half over and you haven’t had a belly laugh in weeks.  The solution my co-workers and I came up with?


One hour in the contraption pictured above, whirling around, trying to throw a whiffle ball into a basketball’ish net all while basically playing bumper cars to stop your opponent was the best spent hour in my Wednesday. I have bruises on my knees from ramming into walls and other Whirlybugs but with some solid teamwork and passing on my (winning) team’s part and lots of fist pumping, it was well worth it.  I love my co-workers and we always have fun but Whirlyball certainly upped the fun ante.  We’re going to have to dig deep for our next fun, obscure group outing- Whirlyball raised the bar.

Oh and we also ate every fried food known to mankind.  At a place that has “Whirly” in its name, I shouldn’t be surprised that everything on the menu was friend but in fact, it most definitely was.  And it was glorious.

I also went home with this bad boy:

The sweet souvenir of victory, baby!