I am in the middle of a big work project. It’s culminating in the next week so while we are in the home stretch, there’s a still very busy, stressful week ahead. Getting sick or actually feeling stressed is not an option so I have a game plan.
Yoga. Veggies. Yoga. Sleep. Water. Yoga.
I know myself. If I want my body to hang in there and my brain to stay sharp, I have to take really, really good care of it. So my breaks are coming in the form of taking a class. I grab juices with beets, spinach and tons of other goodness squeezed in them. I am making sure my regular 8 hours a night of sleep is happening. I stay hydrated. And then I go to yoga again.
I am going to a workshop tomorrow and I couldn’t be more excited spend 3 hours on my mat.
I am convinced that this regimen is vital to both this project being successful and me being in one piece after it is done. I like to think I care for myself pretty well on a regular basis but taking my health so seriously right now feels fantastic that I am going to try to be more intentional going forward.
The next 10 days are in the bag. Bring it.
(image via)
2 Comments on “Yoga, Veggies, Sleep. Repeat.”
Good advice to follow. Much better than, ice cream, couch, wine, sleep, repeat.
It was great to meet you at the workshop! I’ll definitely add your blog to my list – hope to see you at the yoga studio again soon! (Marcy, from http://www.chicagocareergirl.com).