Winter Respite

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The Standard Spa Miami Pool

In an incredibly odd stroke of luck, work landed my husband and I in Florida at the same time so we met up in Miami to end the week. The above photo is everything we hoped for –sun, swimming, beautiful views of Biscayne Bay– but it was also a lesson in perspective. When we arrived at The Standard Spa on Friday, it was 55 and rainy and we were complainy jerks who actually said aloud that we just wanted to go home. Being from Chicago, land of cold that feels like it will last forever, I think the thought of being somewhere else and still being cold was hard to swallow. Lulled into sleeping late by the rain hitting the roof of our odd little motel’esque room (and possibly by the cocktails consumed at the Delano the night before), we emerged around 11am to find…sun. 80 degrees. Joy and glory and an entire day ahead to enjoy the shit out of South Beach!

Lesson: everything can always be different tomorrow and as long as you’re with someone you love, get the heck over it.

Highlights of our time included wonderful meals at The Matador Room and Pubbelly Sushi, the drag show we walked by on Collins Ave, the nap I took at The Standard in a hammock surrounded by mangrove trees, and the frozen rosé we sipped while laying in the sun.

The pool also had music underwater, which was pretty cool too.

I am back to wearing multiple layers of clothing every time I step outside but I am ready to ride out the rest of this Chicago winter with memories of warm sun and frozen cocktails to get me through.

Standard Spa Miami Pina Colada

Standard Spa Miami Outdoor Tub

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