The Power of Pink

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To say that Bright Pink‘s Fit Fest was a success is an understatement.  At the close of the 6 hour fitness marathon, Fit Fest’s 140 participants had raised over $76,000 to fund Bright Pink‘s educational and support programs nationwide!  It was the most incredible day- to see such passion and energy flowing from every single person who dedicated their Sunday to being healthy and active as well as fundraising their socks off…well, it’s no surprise that the power of pink can go a long, long way.

My team, Pink Lemonade, was there is full force, sweating it out with the best of ’em.   I had so much fun with my team, as well as the other amazing Fit Festers, and I was almost sad to see it all end- I say almost because I can’t imagine being even more sore!  Time for a hot bath and another solid night of sleep.

A huge thank you to all of my donors, cheerleaders, and high-fivers- your support means the world to me.  And a very special thank you to Lindsay Avner and Leah Drew for the incredible opportunity to get involved with Fit Fest- it was an amazing experience!

For more information on Bright Pink, click here.

Twas The Night Before Fit Fest

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Bright Pink’s Fit Fest is tomorrow!  I have been looking forward to this event since I was asked to be host in December and I cannot believe it is finally here!

Starting at 9:45 tomorrow morning, 140 athletes and I will be embarking on a 6 hour day of getting our sweat on with classes like tabata, yoga, dance, pilates, and kickboxing, among others, all led by some of my absolute favorite instructors in the city.

As of right this second, we have raised $68,613 from over 1300 generous donors to benefit Bright Pink‘s cause of providing education and support for young women at high-risk for breast and ovarian cancer.  Running into founder Lindsay Avner and community outreach guru Leah Drew today only reinforced once again how much I believe in this cause and believe in these women.

I’ve got my outfits ready to go, I’ve incorporated plenty of pink, my team Pink Lemonade is $36 away from our goal and I’ve just carbo loaded with some delish pizza.  Fit Fest 2011 is ON!