Plant Strong: Day 10

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I’ve been on Whole Foods Market’s Plant Strong Challenge for 10 days now.

Which means that for 10 days, I’ve jumped head first (mouth first?) into a plant based diet, eschewing meat, dairy, sugary desserts, and processed and packaged food.

And ya know, it’s going well.

I was a vegetarian for 3 years so I wasn’t at a loss for what I would eat on a plant-based diet.  Being Plant Strong has been more about pausing and actually thinking about what I put in my body as opposed to the mindless eating that I had fallen into- you know, stumbling into my kitchen after work and grabbing the first thing I see to throw in the microwave.  Or ordering a banana muffin with my morning coffee just because they look so yummy all lined up in a row in the display case at King Cafe.  Like little banana muffin soldiers.

In attempts to fuel my body with as much fresh goodness as possible, I’ve been drinking a lot of smoothies and juices.

The ol’ Cuisinart has been getting it’s blender workout at home and it turns out that Jamba Juice has legit fruit and veggie smoothies that are actually really good and not super high in calories.  Forty Carrots at Bloomingdale’s also juiced 2 carrots, 2 beets and 2 apples for me and it was so lovely to not have to actually eat 2 carrots, 2 beets and 2 apples in order to get those nutrients.  Thanks, guys.

And spinach. I cannot get enough spinach.  I craaave it.

So for now, all systems are a go- I am feeling fantastic, lots of energy and it’s really nice to be reconnected to the concept that food really IS fuel…and pumping my body full of premium.

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