On Prayer and the Incomprehensible

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I once heard the moment you become a parent described as having your heart suddenly on the outside of your body, vulnerable and totally out of your control to protect, but filled with so much love that you would die trying.

I am not a parent yet but as I grow older and love fills my life stronger and more fiercely, I feel like this description is understandable.

But nothing that happened yesterday is understandable. Comprehensible.

These children were not Democrats. Or Republicans. They were just children. Going to school.

There’s not much that feels appropriate to say right now. Brene Brown expressed that her prayer was “love and light to those in pain and help me stay open hearted as I manage my own fear and anger.” That sentiment seems like a good start.

Because it is not a time for a gun control debate or mental health debate; it is a time for prayer. Exactly for what, I am not sure. Prayer for help, prayer for love, prayer for faith, maybe. But I am certain that when something happens beyond comprehension, when your heart outside of your body is broken, the only option is to hit your knees. And pray.

One Comment on “On Prayer and the Incomprehensible”

  1. BHG

    I’m always amazed at your perception & your ability to speak your heart. With all the media comments on this horrific act, no one has been able to say it better than you. I guess it is because it came from the heart. Thanks

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