On Getting Unstuck: Pizza Before 10am

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potato pizza

After an hour at my computer this morning, it was pretty clear that it wasn’t going to happen. I needed to get a document out that required a decent amount of care and I felt…stuck. I felt a lot of things, actually, but stuck was clear. Which often manifests itself into doing everything but the thing I need to do and this morning, it looked something like this:

Check Twitter. Check Instagram. Ooh, I like that coffee mug, where is it from? I miss Italy. Twitter. Molly McNearney is hilarious, let’s read through her entire feed. Hey Luna, come sit on my lap. Sitherenow, bad cat. I should go to Owen + Alchemy to get juice. Or order lox and a bialy from Southport Grocery. Oohh, donuts. I want a donut. Instagram, has anyone else posted? Let’s text friends. I am hungry. Or bored. Maybe hungry. Check Instagram again. Definitely need a donut. Or juice. Or prosecco.

Ahh, the seductive dance of distraction.

What I have found is that creation has to come from creation- creating rarely comes from a standstill place for me, I need to be in motion, already making.

So I made pizza. Before 10am.

I set out the few ingredients I had and got to rolling, cutting. I sprinkled the rosemary over the potatoes and reached for the parmesan. It felt so good to be making something, to start with nothing and end up with something. Sometimes, it may begin with a few words on a page and sometimes, it might be making something with my hands.

Something from nothing.

Those words are sticking with me today, a reminder that it’s possible, in life, in projects and in pizza, as long as you start where you are.

And this morning, starting where I was meant coffee and pizza before 10am.

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{is dousing food in balsamic a thing before noon? if it wasn’t, it is now…}

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