Musings on the Golden Globes

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– Award season is my 3rd favorite of the year, behind Christmas and college football.
– Last night was the best Kate Hudson had ever looked. The hungriest but definitely the best.
– Every time I pledge my allegiance to Bradley Cooper, the camera would zoom in on Leonardo DiCaprio. I just can’t quit him. I just can’t.
– I am okay with the fact that Stacy Kielbler has just given up on these things- whatever, she’s wearing George Clooney, it’s fine.
– Anne Hathaway. Make it stop.
– Taylor Swift was either wearing 1) a shitty bridesmaid’s dress or 2) something I wore to prom in 2002. Make it stop.
– Kerri Washington is flawless.
– Claire Danes makes childbirth look mildly appealing and not the kiss of body-death. I appreciate that.
– I have a black tie event in a few weeks and Amy Poehler’s red carpet, sexy menswear look was amaze. Can I pull off bra-less in a tailored tuxedo jacket?
– Texting with one of my best friends like a crazy person during the show got us both in trouble and our husband/boyfriend are now requiring we watch the rest of award season in the same room. No argument here.
– Ryan not only tolerated my over-enthusiasm last night (so much yelling at the TV, clapping and jazz hands) but was not-so-secretly into Fashion Police Tonight (thank you, Joan Rivers’ snarkiness). Good man.

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