Illumine Magazine co-hosted a yoga class with The Langham on Saturday morning in the plaza on the river- the class was amazing, the view unreal, the morning spectacular. Illumine is an inspiration and resource for yogis, check them out. (The above photo was taken mid-pose during class- a hand selfie, if you will.)
I don’t know about you but my social media feeds have been inundated with people taking the “Cold Water Bucket Challenge” to raise awareness for ALS. The term “put your money where your mouth is” comes to mind and I am so happy to see that the ALS Foundation is raising a ton more money than usual. 1) Donate (ice water or not), 2) read this Today Show post about my amazing friend Rosemary and her family. Inspiring just doesn’t cut it- these people could move mountains.
In other inspiring news, my friend Megan was featured on “I Love You Pink“- I love her answer to the question of what motivates her. Hint: trust your gut.
I have had #5 and #13 on this list of the 36 Best Things to Eat in Chicago in the past 3 days so I am inclined to say this list is legit. Related: how have I never been to Bang Bang Pie?!?
Since our Italian honeymoon, we have been talking and dreaming about our next trip pretty much nonstop. After meeting to most delightful Irishman at a rooftop BBQ yesterday, we think we landed on Ireland. Pubs and cliffs and roadtrips, oh my!
“When someone passes their knowledge to you, it’s an honor.” I loved this article about yoga in the US vs India.
The world lost a giant this week with the passing of Robin Williams. My mom and I loved The Birdcage and quoted “You do an eclectic celebration of dance! You do…Fosse! Fosse! Fosse! Or…Madonna, Madonna, Madonna!” all the time when we were being silly. But this is my favorite scene, “But I bet you can’t tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel…what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and be truly happy.” Prayers to his family and gratitude for his incredible body of work that is for the ages.