Law of Attraction

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I am a big believer that what you send out into the universe will come back to you.  Eventually.  Or shortly.  I’ve seen both.

Today, I gave up my seat on the train to an elderly couple and a few hours later, the cashier at Trader Joe’s told me to go pick out a bouquet, any bouquet, of flowers that I wanted.  Boom.  Law of Attraction.

Some take longer.  A good friend of mine had, to say the least, a very challenging 2009.  Pretty much everything that could go wrong, did.  But she kept on keeping on and putting good stuff out there.  And while it took long enough (to those of us who were going “C’mon, give the kid a break!”), she is ending 2009 on a really amazing note, with some great things rolling her way.

Here’s the drill:  Basically, the law of attraction says our thoughts are like magnets.  As magnet attracts metal, we also attract our sub-atomic possibilities with thoughts.  The universal law of attraction simply states that we can be whatever we want to be, have whatever we want to have and get to wherever we want to go. This determines what develops out of our lives and of us. It’s all about focus. We become what we focus on becoming. We grow to be what we intend to be. And it encompasses everything.  Our work, our relationships and even our everyday hassles and errands.  We just gotta focus and that thing, whatever it is, is possible.

A year ago, I would have told you that this was a bunch of crap, as I was someone who was not living the life I’d imagined and was pretty bent out of shape about it.  I spent a lot of time strongly disliking where I was at and worrying constantly about where my life would end up.  And that got me a whole lot of the same stuff.  I’m not sure what caused the shift.  My life isn’t all of a sudden put together now. I don’t know exactly what I want, I haven’t “made it” by any means…but I’m dwelling in possibility.  Even if that means just putting one foot in front of the other better than I did yesterday, then I am slowly but surely elevating my life.  I like the idea that every day, I have the opportunity to grow my life and in turn, the lives of those around me.  So I’m going to keep throwing that out to the universe.  Because it feels better than the alternative.

High Five of the Day: My chum Corey is a writer who moonlights as a marketing manager/keeper of Floyd the LA-Z-BOY.  His blog makes my day pretty often and I’m willing to place bets will at least make you crack a smile.  Check it out.

0 Comments on “Law of Attraction”

  1. Beth J.

    Love the law of attraction and a huge believer in it too! Thanks for the great reminder:) Happy new year! Hope to see you around soon!

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