Just a Typical Sunday.

adminCaffe RoM, Edible Chicago, Fox and Obel, Man Friend, Sunday Morning, Transformers 3, Uncategorized%s Comments

On our way to breakfast this morning, Man-Friend and I came across the park we live by taped off and a gathering of people with their dogs, babies and coffee staring at the now empty space of green.  It turns out that “Transformers 3” is filming in Chicago, specifically in our neighborhood, all week.  There were guys with walkie-talkies, coordinating with the helicopters circling above who told us “it” was happening in a few minutes  so we decided to grab coffee at Caffe RoM and watch whatever it was that caused a crowd of our yuppie neighbors to be staring at an empty park.

By the time we walked back outside with our coffee, a helicopter swooped in between the buildings long enough to deposit 5 skydivers, all of whom expertly swooped around the park before landing perfectly in the plot of land sectioned off for them.  It only lasted about 10 seconds, if that, but it was pretty cool.

Having been a little girl in the 80s who always opted for the Barbie in her Happy Meal, I had no idea what a Transformer was.  Even after Ryan’s explanation, I still don’t get why robots mascarading as cars would be patrolling the streets protecting people but I feel obligated to see this film now that it was filmed in my ‘hood.

High Five of the Day: Speaking of yuppies, we got breakfast for the first time at Fox and Obel. It is a foodie’s paradise.  Rows and rows of wine, cheese, meats, wine, bread, pastries and wine.  There’s a little restaurant so we grabbed some breakfast (2 poached eggs with wheat toast, chicken sausage and fruit for me; scrambled eggs, chicken sausage, and potatoes for Man-Friend) and did some Sunday morning reading:

I’m not sure what Man-Friend found in the Wall Street Journal but Edible Chicago provided me with  some great recipes that I can’t wait to try.  Between Edible Chicago and the issue of Cooking Light that I picked up yesterday, I am going to kick cooking in the Gardner-Foley household up a notch.  And yes, I know I just quoted Emeril Lagasse.  And yes, I recognize how cheesy that is.  Stay tuned anyways.

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