A few days late this week but this is the year of gratitude so let’s do it!
98. Community. People helping people- it doesn’t get more powerful or beautiful than that.
99. Opening Day Maybe this year is the year… go Cubs!
100. Girl time. Yoga pants, wine and Apples to Apples are the perfect recipe for belly laughing.
101. Landmarks. Abe is my stretching stop on runs. His foot is rather handy for balancing.
102. Shrimp and Grits. ohmygoodness. The butter is still coming out of my pores but when in Rome Atlanta…so, so delicious.
103. Learning. Someone told me this week “If it’s not hard, we’re not growing” and that’s really stuck with me. There’s always something to learn, something to push us, a place to grow…
104. Home. There’s no place like it.