I LOVE COLLEGE FOOTBALL. I love the Spartans. I love that another season of cheering, high-fiving and football Saturdays are upon us.
In 2 weeks, I will be making my triumphant return to East Lansing when I attend the Michigan State/Notre Dame game for the first time in 4 years.
Tonight, however, is all about proving how freaking old I am.
In lieu of going to a bar to watch the start of the season, we opted to make a Whole Foods run and grill out while watching the game at home. During said trip to Whole Foods, we procured a bottle of gin, the first to ever grace our bar. I know- things got crazy tonight.
Inspired by Smitten Kitchen’s Blackberry Gin Fizz recipe, I crafted this bad boy:
For 1 drink:
6 blackberries
1/2 packet Splenda
1 shot of gin
1 lime, squeezed
Basil leaves for garnish
Muddle the blackberries and add in Splenda. Pour into shaker and add lime and gin. Shake, pour over ice and top with soda water. Toss in a basil leaf and cheers!
I can’t wait to get back to EL but grilling with a view of the city and my tv while wearing a MSU jersey and sipping a gin cocktail wasn’t a bad way to kick off the season.
Go Green!