
adminBlue Skies, Grahamwich, Luna Bell, Ryan, Trader Joe's, Uncategorized, West Elm%s Comment

I’m not usually a complainer but I am so over January.

26 hours to go and this month is finally ovah.

Between the cold, busy (but not with the fun stuff) weekends, the cold and just way more hum-druminess than I prefer, I am more than happy to kick January to the curb.

In the spirit of counting our blessings instead of sheep, here are some things that are making me smile all the way into February.

My man and my cat: (I act like I hate that Luna Bell loves R more than she loves me nowadays but secretly, I kind of love that she is his incessant little shadow).

Blue skies beyond the bare branches:

Delicious meals with equally delicious friends (photo via Tango Sur, circa NYE):

Winter Trees glasses that make salute even sweeter:

Grahamwich: (I may or may not have said there was a marriage of flavors in my mouth after R and I stopped in for a sammy on their opening weekend)

(photo via MetroMix)

Hot yoga for heating up sub 20 degree days

…Trader Joe’s 99cent whole wheat pizza dough, perfect for making healthy homemades AND breadsticks

…Filiberto, the amazing Italian who led my study abroad program (circa sophomore year of college), finding me on Facebook and thus, reigniting my desire to plan a trip back to the motherland.  Immediately.

Ahh.  Ok, into February we (almost) go.

A Little Pretty

adminTrader Joe's, Trader Joe's flowers, Uncategorized%s Comments

I asked YOU what brings you some “pretty” on these dreary winter days so I thought I’d share what brightened up my little home today.  I adore having fresh flowers around and (pssst!) Trader Joe’s has the most delightful bouquets on the cheap so I can treat myself often.  I think this mix is particularly pretty!

9 more hours to comment and enter to win a pair of K.Amato earrings!


High Five Thursday

adminHigh Five Thursday, Splenda, tea, tea lover, Trader Joe's, Uncategorized, Vanilla and Cinnamon%s Comments

Obsessed with this tea.

I’m on my 3rd box of Trader Joe’s Vanilla & Cinnamon Black Tea.  No lie.  It’s “limited edition” and I love it so much that I have been picking up a few boxes every time I go to the store because I’m worried that they’re going to run out.

I like it with a half packlet of Splenda and a splash of soy milk, although it’s delightful on it’s own.  It kinda of tastes like hot chocolate but with way, way less sugar and calories.  Win!

Methinks it’s time for another cup.