New Boot Monday

adminCHicago winter, cold, Joan of Arc boots, Nordstrom, slush, Sorel, Uncategorized%s Comments

Today is a “I-can’t-wait-to-go-outside-because-I-have-new-boots!” kind of day!

The truth of the matter is, I live in Chicago and it sure isn’t getting any warmer here for the next 3-6 months.  With my Uggs from college having officially bit the dust, it was time to find something new to keep my tootsies warm (and dry!) in the frigid months to come.

After polling some girlfriends and co-workers, Boss Lady Julie gave the most glowing recommendation about Sorel’s.  Since Julie usually has the answers to all of my questions, I figured she couldn’t be wrong about boots and, sure enough, the second I slipped on a pair at Nordstom, I was in love (well, as in love as you can be with a pair of winter boots).

There’s usually not much to love about utility (believe me, I wish these were a pair of 4-inch heels) but the little touch of fur makes me feel the slightest bit cute and girly.

I’m going to go kick the crap out of these in the slush, wind, snow and city streets now.