Rock, Bubble, Cupcakes

adminChampgane, date night, Japonais, made up words, More cupcakes, Uncategorized, Valentinversary, Veuve Clicquot%s Comments

A lot of big decisions in my life are made with a quick round of RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors).  Sometimes, all you need are some fast acting hand gestures.  Saturday night, however, was all about a Rock, some Bubbles and More Cupcakes.

Continuing the Valentinversary (new word, just made it up), we had dinner at Japonais.  After an enjoyable Restaurant Week experience last year, we decided it was time to go back to try “The Rock”.  1 rock, heated to 500 degrees, served on top of rock salt alongside thin slices of raw New York Strip.  5-6 seconds on top of the rock later and you have…perfection.  To be clear, I do NOT eat beef.  Ever.  But this, this wasn’t beef.  It was culinary innovation and I’ll be darned if Ryan is going to bogart the fancy on our Valentinversary.

It. Was. Amazing.  The entire meal was fantastic.  The Rock, sushi, raw oysters, salmon, short ribs topped off with Manhattans (for him) and Floating Orchid Martinis (for me).

Rewind to pre-dinner festivities at our apartment.  A bottle of Veuve and a box of More Cupcakes.  I’ve been on a champagne kick and my love affair with More Cupcakes is well documented so the combo was just right up my alley.  Throw in a card from Ryan with the David on the front, a nod to our recent decision to go to Italy in September (!!!) and the evening was perfect before it even started.

Sometimes, you just need some special.  This weekend delivered, in abundance- a highly successful Valentinversary, indeed!