‘Tis The Season, Right?

admin2011, goals, gumption, New Year, online grocery shopping, resolutions, the year of awesomeness, Uncategorized%s Comments

I said a few days ago that I thought 2011 was going to be the year I simplify the things that don’t matter so I could put more emphasis on the things that do.

That thought, that resolution, that goal may have started with Pea Pod but it has grown over the past few days into more.

2010 was my year for working hard, being positive and seeing where the chips fell.  It was a good year.

But in 2011, I want to be more purposeful.  Knowing what I want and going after it.  On purpose.  Maybe even with a little bit of gumption.

I think that matters.

Heck, and now that I have online grocery shopping figured out, I should be able to conquer the world, right?!

2011, bring it because I sure know I am taking you on!


Simplicity Revamped

admin2011, Pea Pod. grocery shopping, shopping, simplicity, Uncategorized%s Comments

This morning was one for staying in bed too long, lots of Starbucks Christmas blend, reading the news, checking favorite blogs…family time.

Oh and grocery shopping.  From my bed in my pj’s.  Say what you want about the fact that I did not put on real clothes until 2pm but Ryan and I finally did Pea Pod and our groceries will be delivered between 7 and 9am tomorrow morning.  I know, I know- I’m super late to this party but I am so excited to have restocked our kitchen and didn’t really have to do more than lift a finger (literally).   And when you live in a city, have limited access to a car/grocery store AND sometimes make decisions based on how heavy something is going to be the carry home/cram in a cab, something like Pea Pod could be a gamechanger.  So excited!

I think 2011 will be the year where I simplify the stuff that doesn’t matter so I can put more emphasis on the things that do.  Yeah.  I think it’s time for that.