Bubbly and BFFs

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Saturday night: bubbly and bff’s, toasting the engagement of our dear friends Jon and Linda.

This is the real deal, folks- they really could not be any more perfect for each other.  He loves her so well, so thoughtfully and to see my friend of 15 years engaged to her best friend, well…that just takes the (wedding) cake!  The proposal happened in Italy but for as in love as they are, I think they could have gotten engaged in a cardboard box and still been just as beside themselves with excitement.  Such good stuff.

This is just one of those time where “congratulations” isn’t enough, ya know?  So, so happy for them!

0 Comments on “Bubbly and BFFs”

  1. Linda

    Aww…. Thanks Neens! Was so great to celebrate with you! And to comment on your last post as well.. Best Week ever (CHECK!) Best Year ever (CHECK!) Very excited for it all! xoxo – Linda

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