Gossamer Blue.

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We’re getting settled into the new apartment, which means always finding something else we want to move, change, buy or paint.  Yesterday was the painting part of the process.

It began with me grabbing fistfuls of Benjamin Moore pieces of colored paper and showing up at my friend Amanda’s doorstep instructing her to tell me which one to choose.  2123-40 Gossamer Blue was the winner.  (Good work, by the way.)

Next, the girl at Ace Hardware tells me I only need a quart the paint my entire bathroom since I was buying “the good stuff that only requires 1 coat”.  I walk home 2.3 miles with my quart of paint and some brushes.

With only 1 wall of my bathroom covered, I walk back to Ace Hardware.  1 gallon of paint and I hail a cab back to the apartment.

A few hours and a Diet Coke break later, our half bathroom (or powder room, if you will) is painted Gossamer Blue.  I didn’t drop too many splatters on the floor and my edging was exquisite.  But for all my schlepping around the city for paint and then black towels to accent the theme of only black and white photography (no one makes black towels, btw), I totally get why my building has an in-house painter.

Furthermore, my man-friend worked at The Home Depot paint department in college.  This is the second time I have painted something and done all the work myself, with the only instructions being to avoid pink.  And purple.   And paisley.  I don’t think he has the right to even blink at the fact that I paid $50 for a gallon of paint.  (It would have been helpful to know that it shouldn’t cost that much, btw, Ryan John).

All in all, I have a blue bathroom and the rest of the furniture was delivered today.  Life is good.

High Five of the Day: Catching up with old friends.  Sarah, a dear friend from what seems like several lifetimes ago, called right after I was done painting last night.  An hour and several belly laughs later, I had a smile glued to my face that was a constant reminder of how blessed I am to have so many different kinds of family in my life.

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