Design Lust

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For a minute, can we please just pretend I live here?

I am a such sucker for chandeliers and the perfect shade of pink.  I mean, seriously- don’t tease a girl.  If I had a loft, I would want it to be vintage and modern, just like this.

(Sidebar: I need to stop reading design blogs- they make me want to change everything about my apartment right this second.  And while we’re on the subject, why is there NO pink in my apartment?  Ryan has pink dress shirts, magenta is practically the new plaid… just because I live with a boy does not mean our home has to be devoid of loveliness.  Hmph.)

image via.

Worst Winter in the Nation???

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The blizzard that blanketed the city a month into 2011 isn’t even a distant memory and forecasters are already predicting that this winter will hit us with “colder then normal temperatures and nearly twice the normal amount of snowfall”.

Awesome.  Thanks for the good news.

Better get out there today and enjoy this AMAZING weather while we can- being Chicagoans, we know that these are the days that we’ll be dreaming about come February.

Read the full, pessimistic article on Chicago’s next winter here.

Hump Day Treat

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I found this in an email to a girlfriend from a few months ago and I stand by my caption:

“What is even going on here?!?”

Hump Day, people- let’s do this.