When you start with good stuff…

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The goods procured at the Division St. Market yesterday were really something- seriously, how gorgeous is this tomato? Since my basil plant is on overdrive, there was really only one choice…


Homemade heirloom tomato sauce.


Years ago, there was great debate in my family about whose marinara sauce was the best, my grandmother’s or my great-Aunt Violet. As a child, I remember that saying I liked one was met with a hushed “Now, don’t be saying that in front of…”.

Gorgeous tomatoes, fragrant red onion, a ton of basil, green pepper, salt, pepper…you really can’t go wrong. Maybe that’s the point my grandma and aunt were missing- when you start with good stuff, there’s no right or wrong in what you do with it. In cooking or in life.

Both my Nana and Auntie Vi are no longer with us but I like to think that they would love that I make my sauce from scratch…regardless of what I do to get there.