Ice Breakers and the Hunt for the Perfect Christmas Card

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During an ice breaker at a meeting today, one of the things we were asked to share something “dorky” about ourselves.  As far as ice breakers go, this was a pretty good one and involved Skittles.

I love Christmas.  This is no secret.  But unless you have lived with me, you probably don’t know how early I start planning for it.  It’s never too early to start looking for the perfect Christmas card…or maybe it is.  In any case, Ryan received an email at 2am last night with 4 links to cards that are in the running for the Ryan/Nina/Luna Bell Christmas card of 2011.  Last year’s Chicago themed cards are going to be a tough act to follow, especially with the address labels that featured characters of my, Ryan’s and Luna Bell’s heads so I think it is totally reasonable to have spent some time on Etsy last night starting the search early.

Or not.

Like I said, we had to share something dorky.  If looking for Christmas cards in August doesn’t qualify, I don’t know what does.  And now my peers know this.

The end.