Book Love: The Help

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Absolutely the best book I have read in a very, very long time.

Set against the Civil Rights Movement in Jackson, Mississippi, The Help follows the relationship between Skeeter, a budding writer/social activist, and the black women who raise her friends’ children but aren’t trusted to polish silver or even use the same restrooms.  Skeeter begins collecting the stories of these women about their experiences being “the help” and the result is a shocking and brutally honest book that gives hope to the black community and a reality check to the country clubbers who scorn them.

It’s amazing the things we are willing to tell ourselves in order to preserve ideas that we are convinced are right.  This was one of those books that I was thinking about even when I wasn’t reading it and couldn’t wait to get home to finish.  Amazing character development and so full of heart and history.

Do-Gooder Alert: Gap and Goodwill

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The two biggest retailers-that-start-with-the-letter-“g” have joined forces to help the clothesless! You don’t know what i’m talking about, do you? Let me explain: from now until may 29th (11 more days!), if you bring your old clothes to any local Gap, the store will donate them to Goodwill. In exchange, you’ll receive 30% off your total purchase

What a coincidence- I have a bag of clothes ready to go AND need to get my hands on some white denim.  Great idea, great cause.

(via Haute Like Couture)