Cleaning House

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Sitting in the park on Sunday, sun shining on my face, 85 degree temps allowing me to wear a shirt without sleeves (gasp!) was a game-changer.  I’m a pretty healthy eater and have kept my workouts up over the winter but let’s be honest: when it’s 20 degrees for the millionth day in a row, trekking to yoga and then coming home to a healthy meal is the last thing you want to do.  There’s been a few bare-minimum workouts at the gym in my building and a lot of hot pasta, I’ll admit…

But it’s Spring now so I’m doing some spring cleaning, from the inside out.  Starting with our kitchen.  Ryan and I have both been craving fruit and veggies like crazy.  Produce this time of year in Chicago isn’t awesome so I picked up frozen fruit at Trader Joe’s and once I buy a blender, we’ll be in business to make smoothies!

Also on my grocery list:

Flax Seed:  The health benefits of this little seed include reducing your risk of heart disease, some forms of cancer, stroke and diabetes.  Lots of Omega-3s and fiber AND a crunchy taste.  I throw it in everything from baked goods to oatmeal to smoothies.

Almond Butter:  such a tasty way to get protein, fiber, folic acid, and Vitamin E without “fillers”- good almond butter is literally just crushed almonds.  AB&J sandwiches, on toast with a banana (pictured above), in oatmeal…you name it and you can probably put almond butter on it.   Trader Joe’s Almond Butter with Flaxseed and Woodstock Farm’s Organic Almond Butter are my favorite.

Hard Boiled Eggs: I don’t eat much meat (make that none, aside from sliced turkey) so it’s important to have good sources of protein on hand- grab and go, right?  12 grams of protein per egg, can’t beat it.

Water: Okay, this is coming from the faucet not the grocery but I am drinking water like it’s going out of style.  I’m convinced that everything from fatigue to headaches to bad skin can be cured with lots of H2O.  We got really into ordering several 12 packs Diet Coke every time we did a Peapod order and realized that’s just not necessary- we don’t need to be putting that much fake into our bodies, we can still do the occasional Big Gulp when we’re out and about and be perfectly happy.

Also on the “cleaning house” agenda: yoga.  Nothing makes me feel as cleansed and whole as yoga.  I’ve been scheduling classes in my planner just like regular appointments and I’ve found it whole me way more accountable for actually going.  Another help?  Making it a date.  I practiced with 3 co-workers yesterday at TruHarmony Yoga and it was way more fun than if I had just gone it alone.

Are you doing anything to kick Old Man Winter to the curb?   Please share!