I spent a majority of this weekend curled up with tea and my iPad researching travel destinations. Ryan and I have debated between a trip up the coast from Rome, a British Isles tour, Cabo, Brazil, Puerto Rico, back to Europe…and it’s now at the point where the websites are blurring together and Disney World is looking appealing (that’s not true but you get my point).
I am torn between a “trip” and a “vacation”. There’s definitely a difference- do we want to strap on our backpacks and explore, learn, and be constantly on the go? Or do we want to launch ourselves onto a beach with adventures consisting of sailing, golfing and drinks with umbrellas?
I need some help. Where have you been that you have adored and think we should look into? Traveling mid-June, not extravagant but not too meager of a budget either…any suggestions you have would be oh-so-appreciated.
(images via)
0 Comments on “Vacation vs Trip: Help!”
No real suggestions! Just commiseration. Charlie and I are having the same issue. While strapping on the backpacks and getting lost somewhere in the middle of Spain sounds amazing to us, so does the relaxation of a beach and a mai tai. Such a difficult choice!
We’ve been thinking about the “somewhere in between” of Costa Rica lately…but Spain and I are having a love affair via Pinterest. Eeek.
Top three suggestions:
1. Barcelona: affordable, sexy, spanish… need I say more?
2. Kauai: double rainbows, secret waterfalls, backpacking and luxury beaches.
3. Milan: Amazing fashion, food, and all things Italian. These people eat a 4 course lunch, with desert, a bottle of wine, and coffee. They indulge.