Tami Taylor is my spirit animal.
If you know anything about FNL, you know that Tami Taylor is pretty much everything you have ever wanted to be. So this list of Top 10 Reasons Why Tami Taylor is Magic is the best thing ever written.
#4: I’ve been at a conference for the last week and during a session, I shared that leadership development is important because it’s our job to make sure people have the tools to not end up idiots because it’s bad for the world. Original JustaChiTownGirl thought? No, sir- golden nugget straight from Tami Taylor.
#10…if I had a dollar for every time over the years that I tried to make y’all happen… I am jelly to the max over the flawless execution Tami has with that word.
Real talk: I want to punch whoever cancelled FNL in the face- the world needs more seasons of Tami Taylor’s awesomeness.
Get your Top Ten Reasons here.