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Cookies are good but Chicago flag cookies are great. I had this little guy at an event last Friday and am trying to track down its origin because it was really, really great.

Speaking of cookies, I have a pretty high pressure work trip tomorrow and I want to eat all of the cookies, like all of the cookies in the world right now. I am well prepared for the trip and it’s only a 24 hour jaunt but I am sweating it. Please send cookies and, after Thursday evening, wine.

Weekend in Plus & Minus

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Weekend in + & -.

– Ryan’s marathon of working ridiculously late hours continued on Friday and Saturday night.
+ I had time to myself to relax after a very full work week.
– Wayfair told me on Friday that it would be until next week before they could fix the bed issue.
+ We got to try out the new sleeper sofa in the guest room and it is unreal- like a Care Bear cloud of comfort. Well done, Room & Board!
+ After a very sad face email I sent on Friday night, Wayfair finally came through and sent a furniture medic. Problem fixed in 30 minutes and we now can sleep in our bed.
+ Going to David’s Tea is an activity in and if itself. Selected some new tins AND learned that Forever Nuts can be put in oatmeal. #genius
+ I found an amazing wall of frames at Room & Board that I bought for our dining room.
– By the time I got home, I realized that was an absurd amount of money to spend on frames and cancelled the order.
+ & – All meals made at home.
+ Anthropologie has an entire dress of cats. Cat print, to be more specific.
+ Great run with Ry on a most beautiful Sunday morning.

It’s been pretty chill in these parts, which is great because it was apparently preparing us for the flu. Ryan started with it last night and as of the last 2 hours, it looks like I’m down for the count too. Here’s to lots of fluids, shared blankets, sleep and body aches to go away quickly…

What’s the saying? The couple that has the flu together, stays together?

On The Road Again

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Work Travelpalooza is in week 5 which means I am Vancouver-bound. While I am so excited to be in one of my favorite cities with some of my favorite people, Luna Bell staged a protest promptly after I finished packing last night. So much coming and going these days…and we haven’t even told her we’re moving yet. Yikes.

Off to the land of yoga, sushi, mountains, city and sea! If only all work trips could be like this…

Tuesday Brain Dump

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I am smack dab in the middle of what I consider busy season in my job. I love the work I do and I am so lucky to do it and I genuinely forgot to shower today. And eat yesterday until 3pm. And have been consistently having work dreams for about 3 weeks, to the point where Ryan says I have been mumbling about emails in my sleep.

So there’s that.

I think it’s a good thing though, being so consumed with work, in terms of wedding planning. I’ve heard women say how when they got engaged, all they did at work was look at Pinterest and want to wedding plan. 1) I still think Pinterest is ridiculous and is breeding ground for copycats and unoriginality and 2) since my work time is my work time, my time to think wedding is so concentrated and separate that it’s fun and really efficient. This is another conversation for another time but in the last year or so, I’ve developed a zero-tolerance policy for when something doesn’t feel like a good fit or I am not being treated well and that includes wedding venues sooooo we made a switcheroo. People weren’t rocking our world at the original place we chose and there’s a new place in town with killer river views…done and done. Our 5 prong filter is working and once we secure a location for the ceremony, we’re in pretty good shape for awhile. #naptime

Luna Bell loves sitting on whatever magazine/iPad/important document you have been looking at but I think she especially loves blocking wedding magazines.

Oh and I got a FitBit and am OBSESSED.

That pretty much sums up my life right now- work, wedding, LB sitting on stuff, FitBit. I am going to try to not be such a deadbeat blogger now.

Happy Tuesday, Friends!