Big Metal Chickens 2.0

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I still read The Bloggess’ post on Big Metal Chickens every few days, just to keep belly laughing.

My bff Holly and I dismiss most problems by saying that we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if Beyonce was towels.

So imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this glorious hunk of metal at the Eastern Market in Washington, DC this weekend:

Moments after finding this gem of a big metal chicken, this appeared in my email inbox:

The Atlanta Big Metal Chicken!

It’s like learning a new word- once you learn a new word, you see it everywhere. And who knew Big Metal Chickens were everywhere?!

“This Chicken Will Cut You”

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Remember this?  The Bloggess’ Christmas Miracle of 2010?  The blog post I was reading when Ryan came home to find me sobbing while holding the cat and blubbering on about the Christmas spirit and George Bailey and how the world might actually being a good place after all?

Well, The Bloggess has struck again, this time with a hilarious blog post about what it means to pick your battles.

2 things come up for me here.

1) 15 years into my marriage, I really, really hope I remember that the gift for 15 years is big metal chickens.

2) I am so glad I have friends who also think spending $100 on a big metal chicken would be totally worth it strictly based on how many belly laughs would result.

So, if you had a bad day, a great day or don’t even remember what today was, read this.  It will make you laugh and laughing creates endorphins and who doesn’t need more of those?

High five.