Ban Bossy

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Have you heard about Sheryl Sandburg’s “Ban Bossy” campaign? I wrote about her views on the word last April and am really glad to know this is still a conversation.

“When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded ‘bossy.’ Words like bossy send a message: don’t raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can encourage girls to lead.”

When I was in high school, I ran for, and won, 2 positions in student government. The school didn’t have a problem with my running for both, in fact it was encouraged, celebrated even- “Wow, you’re such a go getter!”. But when I won…tunes changed. The concern administrators expressed was not if I could perform in the roles, it was if I would be perceived as bossy. By my peers who voted me into both positions.

So I took my bossy high schooled self into the principle’s office and made it clear how I would be spending my senior year and that was as Student Council and Class President.

I think we all have some experience with bossy vs leader conversation. I am almost 30 and I still pause before expressing strong opinions in group setting, god forbid I be bossy! But then I think back to that 17 year old girl with nerves of steel and that pause gives way to words because I’m not bossy- I am a leader.

And so are you.

So ban bossy and encourage girls to lead.


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I am halfway through Sandberg’s Lean In and really enjoying the conversations it is sparking with my colleagues. I remember being a little girl and afraid of the “bossy” label. Being a child, I didn’t get that “bossy” was dismissive, a way to demean an idea or a vision, a way to tell me that I should probably take my big, bold ideas and sit down. Now that I’m an adult, I would be proud to have a daughter who is bossy. Rude or disrespectful? Absolutely not. But if my girl ever holds back her innate leadership qualities because she could be labeled as bossy, she will have bigger problems on her hands…namely, a Mama who will not stand for her being anything other than who she truly is.