A Lesson in Limits

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I signed up to run Fleet Feet’s Women’s 10k this morning.

I ended up running a 5k.

It was 80 degrees at the 7:30am start.  I was sore from bootcamp yesterday.  By mile 2, I started to overheat and could feel my arms getting cold.  Even though 6 miles is something I could have done on any other day with no problem, I knew today was not the day to push it, not with this kind of heat index.

So, I listened to my body and veered to the left with the 5k runners when the course split.

I schlumped to the bus feeling pretty defeated.  In my head, I rattled off the reasons why listening to my body is important but there was still a lingering feeling that I “should” have been able to push myself, I “should” have run what I signed up for no matter what.

I have spent the rest of the day with a massive headache, drinking tons of water, sleeping and generally feeling like crap.  Thank goodness I didn’t listen to those “shoulds”, aka my ego.  Thank goodness I recognized my limits today.  Being active and being an athlete and pushing ourselves to greatness is amazing but there is a limit to be recognized on any given day otherwise the cost could be health or safety.

Sure, there will be other days where I will push myself when I’ve hit a wall, be it 6 miles or 26 miles.  But today my lesson in limits, in my limits, hammered home that listening to your gut can really keep you safe.