A week ago, I was drinking prosecco with my husband in Venice with this as a view.
I just had a mediocre cup of coffee in a small Midwestern town.
The prosecco/view combo totally wins.
Our Italian travels rounded out with one last night in Rome and in addition to the bottle of prosecco and chocolate covered strawberries the hotel sent up to our room, we were treated to this gorgeous sunset over Tiber Island. We were on our way to the Trastevere for dinner at Da Enzo, this whole in the wall trattoria that, word on the street, had the best carbonara in Rome (truth) and were chit chatting away when we crossed the bridge and saw…these colors. It stopped us in our tracks and once we gathered ourselves enough to snap a photo, we noticed everyone near us was in silence too.
Almost every bit of the last 10 days has taken my breath away and I am so grateful for this time for us to be away, with being totally wrapped up in each other and Italy as the only thing on the agenda. The together’ness, the I’ve-got-you factor…I totally get the honeymoon thing now and am so happy to be home, ready for all that’s next while still basking in where we’ve come from.
If I get to heaven and it’s not a margherita pizza on a terrace in Positano, Italy, I am going to be shocked.
After one of the most insane (hair pin turns! Mount Vesuvius! The teeniest road ever carved directly into the side of a mountain! A fence as tall as my shin keeping us from the drop off! Italian drivers who aren’t going to let a little thing like oncoming traffic/that whole mountain thing keep them from passing! Sorrento!) drives in the world, we arrived in Positano and I am simply overwhelmed. I have never seen beauty like this. I have never seen lemons this big. I have never seen water this blue. It’s like glass married the sky and it’s baby is the sea.
I burst into tears when the woman showing us to our room opened the door to this terrace. A terrace for two to enjoy on our honeymoon, she explained.
Like I said- it is overwhelming, this little town on the side of a mountain.
Ryan laid down for a nap, the doors wide open, blowing in a breeze from the sea, so I walked up the diminutive, winding street until I found a ristorante with a wood fired oven and a family that invited me to sit with them for a glass of wine while my pizza cooked. Walking back to the hotel, I dodged Vespas and back on my terrace for two, sat down with my pizza for one.
Absolute heaven.
Thank goodness I got Ryan a Nespresso for Christmas because we have less than 6 months to practice drinking the strong stuff before we are in Italy!!!! We booked flights for our honeymoon last night and when making a cup of espresso this morning, I couldn’t help but think about how excited I am to start our mornings with pastry and coffee at teeny bars before heading out to explore the Motherland. I better brush up on my Italian…