36 Hours

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36 hours in Florida: 1 torrential downpour, 1 walk on the beach, 3 hours floating in the pool, 2 meals cooked on the grill, 2 sleeps in the biggest King bed in the world and I’m back on a plane. While Ryan and his friends get to continue their old school buddy trip, I am headed off for a work trip. Obviously, waking up early is the pits and a day on the beach would have been lovely but, luckily, I love the people I work with and am excited for a week of tackling a big project.

Now, all I need is a coffee the size of my head. I was reminded of why I don’t take 6am flights when I arrived at the airport this morning before the security lines were open and, most certainly, before Starbucks even turned on its lights…


Sunshine State of Mind

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One 8am flight out of O’Hare and a ride with a very chatty driver named Tim and I’m in Florida with my grandmother.

We had Mother’s Day dinner at the beach tonight and a beautiful sun set marked the occasion.  My intention for this trip was to get out of dodge for a few days and really slow down so I can see where I’m going so fast again.  Spending time with my grandma is works well with that- for as amazing as she is doing, her 94 years on this planet has finally affected her pace.

It’s only 4 days but my mission (and I choose to accept it):  palm trees, long talks with my grandma, vitamin D courtesy of a hot sun and being a little more still than usual.

Plan B

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To say the weather is starting to get to me is the understatement of the century.  I’m as sick as the next girl of wearing my Hunter boots every single day but when I went into the bedroom last night to show Ryan 7 different exotic (read: expensive) travel destinations that I ranked in order of “We should book a flight” to “We must get on a plane within the next 5 minutes”, I knew I needed a Plan B.

Plan B?  Heading to see my Grandmother in Florida in two weeks.  I just booked my flight.  I’m hoping that a few days with my darling Gi and then a few days on the beach at my parents condo will cure whatever cabin fever/stir craziness I have going on.

If not, I will be changing the name of this blog from “Just a Chi Town Girl” to “Reasons Why This Weather Sucks”.

Here’s hoping…