Red Wine Chocolate Cake

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I don’t know about you but this chilly weather has made me absolutely ravenous.  I was running errands today and even though I had a perfectly reasonable breakfast and lunch, it was all I could do to not stop in every bakery and restaurant I saw and stuff my face.

My body must still remember the never ending hibernation of Chicago Winter 2011.

Cue scouring my favorite foodie websites and finding this fabulous Red Wine Chocolate Cake.  In a list of my top 5 favorite things, red wine, chocolate and cake are probably numbers 1-3 so to find a recipe with all of them in the title, I mean, seriously, just stop.  Not to mention, it requires little to no shopping- trust me, there is red wine and chocolate in our apartment at all times.

I’m doing a test run of this bad boy tonight and if it turns out as delish as that picture looks, it has won itself a spot on the menu for the inaugural Dinner Club next month.

Click here for the full recipe.

(Image via SmittenKitchen)

Summer Send-Off

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Last night, we attended a cook-out at the home of friends in Lincoln Park.  We’ve spent several Memorial/Labor Days with them and I must say, I’m a sucker for the rooftop element to this gathering.

This Labor Day isn’t messing around with its “Hey, summer’s over!” message so it was an evening for sweaters over dresses and shorts, an evening that forced our hosts to bring out the patio heater when blankets just couldn’t cut it.  But it was also a night for burgers on the grill, 312, Molly’s Cupcakes and Garrett’s Popcorn.


(Note: Ryan and I were craving Garrett’s yesterday so instead of buying it for ourselves, we grabbed a bag to bring as a host gift.  It was a HUGE hit- after sharing a few handfuls with us, our hosts tucked it away to have for themselves today.  So, even if you live in Chicago, Garrett’s is a clutch host gift.)

Last night was the perfect send-off to summer- one last hurrah.  But if we’re being honest, I’m totally eyeing the sweater section of my closet and excited for the cool crisp days ahead.