“I’ve learned firsthand that excellence in one area of my life promotes excellence in all other areas of my life.” Why Exercise Is a Higher Priority Than My Career reaffirms what my Dad has been telling me for years and something I have found to be true: strong body, strong mind.
People with passion have the courage to be themselves with abandon. We all care what people think about us. People with passion are just less willing to be ruled by the tyranny of public opinion.” Lady Gaga and the Life of Passion examines what we mean when we talk about passion. (*Sidenote: Lady Gaga went to a pilates studio in my office building over the summer to prepare for her role in American Horror Story and I have to admit that all 3 times I was in the elevator with her and her (HUGE) bodyguard, I totally geeked out when they got off.- I love Lady Gaga.)
The Most Beautiful Bars in Chicago– Maude’s and RM Champagne are two of my favorite spots to grab a cocktail; I would have added Gilt and RL.
I couldn’t agree more: bravery is merely a choice.
(the above photo is of this treasure trove of an envelope that I found last weekend. It contained around 50 photos that spanned over 50 years. I had never seen any of them and it felt like reading a diary, like knowing another layer of the people spanning my family tree. I can’t stop looking at them.)