Best Donuts in America: Charleston Edition

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The Thrillist came out with their list of Best Donuts in the country this week. This is also known as the most important thing they will ever write. As luck would have it, I’m in Charleston with girlfriends this weekend and was able to check out Glazed Gourmet Donuts, #3 on the list.

Life changing. These are life changing donuts.

Public service announcement: check out the list and if there is a donut shop in your town, do not pass go, immediately head there.

Sunday Celebration

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If there’s a better way to spend a Sunday morning than celebrating your favorite two year old with coffee, donuts, balloons and people you love to be around, I just can’t believe it. What a great celebration of our little buddy Jackson who is the absolute sweetest (and speediest!) boy around.

And let’s be honest- awesome kids get made and raised by awesome parents and our dear friends Brad and Kate are top notch. Role models in marriage, role models in parenting…we are beyond blessed to have these two in our lives!