36 Hours

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36 hours in Florida: 1 torrential downpour, 1 walk on the beach, 3 hours floating in the pool, 2 meals cooked on the grill, 2 sleeps in the biggest King bed in the world and I’m back on a plane. While Ryan and his friends get to continue their old school buddy trip, I am headed off for a work trip. Obviously, waking up early is the pits and a day on the beach would have been lovely but, luckily, I love the people I work with and am excited for a week of tackling a big project.

Now, all I need is a coffee the size of my head. I was reminded of why I don’t take 6am flights when I arrived at the airport this morning before the security lines were open and, most certainly, before Starbucks even turned on its lights…


Crabs. The Good Kind.

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The highlight of this vacay week- crabs!

Ryan used to be a Marylander and since we were back on his boyhood territory, a stop for some all-you-can-eat crabs was a must.  Smart money was that I was going to make a few failed attempts at cracking these bad boys, get grossed out, give up and order crab cakes.


It turns out that I am AWESOME at eating crabs!  I was a cracking, pulling, don’t-stop-until-all-the-meat-was-out machine.

A few orange crushes, 3 dozen crabs, 2 ears of corn and a few baskets of fries later, Ryan and I had in the books one of our favorite dates of all time.  So much fun, so much aggression (I used my mallet with force), so much surprising each other (*me surprising him, actually- I am so proud of how proud he was of me for showing those crabs who was boss!).

I don’t know about football but crabcakes and crabs in general is definitely what Maryland does.

43 Degrees? Thanks, I’ll Pass.

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When I walked out of Trader Joe’s today, I could actually see my breath.  And since it was only 43 degrees, I guess that makes sense.  This confirms my decision to get the heck outta here come Sunday.

Actually, this confirms my decision: by the time I walked from work to home today, I had four missed calls from my grandmother.  I figured something was wrong; she must have fallen or is in the hospital or something (I’m a proven worrywart).  I immediately called her back, only to hear her say she was just calling because she realized that in a few days, we’d be on the beach having a cocktail (don’t threaten Hazel with a good cocktail!) and she was very, very excited.


So for the next few days, I’ll bundle up and tolerate the cold because soon I will be on the beach, cocktail in hand, chatting it up with my 94 year old BFF.