Scenes from a Holiday Weekend

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We had guests in town from Maryland which basically meant this weekend was a high speed chase to squeeze in as much Chicago as possible. Never ones to turn down anything touristy, Ryan and I gladly showed them Soldier Field (where they saw me finish a 10 mile run on the 50 yard line-more on that later), the aquarium, the Architecture Tour, the Bean and Wrigley Field. We ate deep dish, had cocktails at the top of the Hancock, and went to a rooftop BBQ in Lincoln Park. I know every day how much I love my city but weekends like this where we seek out landmarks make me so grateful to live somewhere I adore so much.

Related: the older I get, the worse I am with heights. I tried to keep cool in the Hancock Tower elevator (omg, so damn fast) and while waiting for a table (did you just feel the building sway?) and when we were seated at a table by the window (nothing available further away from the glass?) but real talk: 96 floors is really effing high and a dirty vodka martini could not have showed up quickly enough.

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