On Saturday night, we went on a for real date. This last decade month of snow and subzero temps has meant lots of cooking at home, fires in the fireplace and sticking close to our neighborhood restaurants, which is fine but saying we felt cooped up would be an epic understatement so snow be damned, reservations were made and to Balena we went.
We had a fantastic meal, a really great bottle of wine and it just felt so good to be out. One of my favorite things about this guy I am marrying is that he is fun. 5 years later and we still have these dates that last for hours where we laugh super hard, share things we love with each other (in the case of Balena, that meant me actually sharing the polenta- so wildly delicious, that dish), plotting out our future, incredulous at the life we love right this very second. It’s my very favorite thing, these dates.
Fast forward to Sunday. More freezing temps and a craving for pancakes. To the local diner we go, for a short stack and some peekaboo with the little nugget wearing Chicago flag footie pajamas in the booth behind us. We are years away from kids but in watching that really nice, normal looking family eat eggs with their little one, in that moment I thought that maybe that would be a good move someday.
Someday being the operative word.
The day progressed with naps and online shopping and plotting out the room that will be an office by end of day Friday. Thai food was delivered that we ate in bed because YOLO and we watched True Detective. Looking down at my pad see eiw, I realized that this was this unintentional day was the best, a date in it’s own right. More time with that fun guy I get to marry.
Like I said, dates are my very favorite.