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Chicago River Spring

The last 6 weeks. 6 states. Work trips, trips to see family, to see friends. In between flights, cabs, hikes, glasses of wine, babies held, meals made, long talks, hard talks, good walks, it all happened in these 6 weeks.

I quit my job.

I started a new job.

It was simultaneously one of those really special times and a really fucking hard one. And I knew it, I knew that everything was so important and good and challenging. I wasn’t here, I wasn’t there both geographically and mentally but it was coming, it was happening gradually with each second that passed. I was energized and tired all the time and got a really huge zit on the side of my head.

Really weird, actually, those 6 weeks.

Growth is like that.

What I know for sure: I was wildly aware of how much I needed my people during this time and holy cow. We don’t get through this life without our people and this wonderful web of mine that spans the country, well, grateful doesn’t begin to describe what it felt like to have that support on the other end of the line, at the pick-up terminal, always ready for a long walk, a long talk, a long drive.

So many decisions had to be made and this tribe of people right along side me made me feel so heard. Supported. Cheered on.

In conclusion: my people, 6 weeks, long, short, everything, grateful.

And now, home.

This new job is a game-changer. New goals, a new season…let’s get back into this, shall we?


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