This Giving Thanks series was intended to reboot my 2013 and keep me more focused on gratitude. See the first post here.
This week, I am grateful for…
63. Hitting the rental car jackpot. I had a blast driving this on a quick trip to Michigan. Thank you, Hertz!
64. Breakfast for dinner. My favorite.
65. The first signs of Spring. The freeze broke, things melted a bit…it’s progress.
66. Holidays. Next up: St. Patrick’s Day, a Chi-town specialty.
67. Learning new things. Spotted this sticker at Whole Foods, acknowledged that I didn’t even know anything could be made 100% with wind power (or what that even meant) and after some Google perusing, I now know how, where, what, etc. Fascinating.
68. Home. Whether it’s a person or a place, I am grateful for the warmth, security and support that is home.
69. Springing ahead. I’ll admit that losing an hour today was less than desirable but the extra hour of daylight was appreciated. Ryan and I were able to get in a long walk on our favorite route, something we probably would not have done without some extra light.